The perfect menu! - Blog - Hogastjob

The perfect menu!

Why less is often more!

Anyone who likes to eat out knows it: the anticipation when we enter the restaurant, receive a friendly welcome, sit down and take a look at the menu. And then we realize that we are completely overwhelmed. Why? Because we simply can't decide what we want to order as we browse through the menu.

The menu ranges from pizza to home cooking to Mexican cuisine. This overwhelms many guests and also costs the business a lot of money.
HOGASTJOB reveals why fewer dishes are often more when it comes to the menu!

1. What suits my gastronomy business?

You're probably familiar with this scenario: The waiter comes by for the second time and asks if he can take your order. With a smile, he is asked to wait a few more minutes because a decision has not yet been made. This often means that the customer is simply overwhelmed.

This is often due to the menu being too varied. As a restaurateur, you should therefore ask yourself what your restaurant stands for. What is the philosophy of the business? Does it stand for traditional home cooking, or is the motto to be the best and coolest burger bistro?

If the company's philosophy is clear, the right selection of delicacies on the menu will appear almost automatically.

Foto eines Kochs beim Zubereiten eines Teigs

2. Less food means more efficiency in the kitchen

Restaurants that offer a variety of different dishes often have a harder time with the logistical processes in the kitchen. Order processing is definitely easier and clearer with a smaller selection of dishes. Those who think carefully about which foods and ingredients are used for cooking know how each individual product can be optimally processed.

The kitchen team will thank you too! Because having fewer dishes on offer means a much better overview for each individual employee and guest. And not just in terms of work distribution, but also in terms of food storage and refrigeration.

By the way:

If you take care to dispose of as little as possible when selecting dishes on the menu, you automatically reduce waste production! Find out more about

Waste prevention in the catering industry!

3. Smaller selection of dishes offers more space on the menu

If the dishes and drinks on offer are manageable in terms of quantity, additional information can find its way onto the menu, for example. For example, a brief overview of the history of the restaurant or the origin of the food used.

Giving guests an insight and telling cool stories conveys sympathy and demonstrates transparency. And, of course, you should pay attention to a suitable layout. This means that content and design must be coherent.

And the best side effect is that the stories are usually memorable and are therefore a great way of gaining the guest's trust so that you can welcome them back soon.

Foto eines Kochs beim notieren

So the philosophy is: less is often more! The aim is to skillfully showcase the "little". This means that the selection of dishes and the way they are presented on the menu, how they are arranged and served, should be coordinated.

This makes the dishes seem even tastier when you look at the menu! The menu is also the flagship of the establishment.

In short: the menu should match the concept of the establishment not only in terms of content, but also visually.

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