Discover exciting facts
Find out about current and interesting information on careers, the world of work and trends in the industry!

28.01.2025, Claudia
Working in the Hochkönig region
Why a job in this hotspot is a good idea

02.01.2025, Claudia
The future of the hotel and restaurant industry
What you can look forward to ..

17.12.2024, Claudia
Sustainable employers in the hotel and catering industry
What makes them special?

19.11.2024, Claudia
Working in the Ötztal
Career meets mountain panorama

05.11.2024, Claudia
Working hours in the wellness area
Everything about working hours, public holidays & Co.

18.10.2024, Claudia
Working in Ischgl
Your benefits in Paznaun

08.10.2024, Christa
New collective agreement in the hotel and catering industry
What you can expect from 1. November 2024

16.09.2024, Claudia
Human resources department in the hotel industry
All information about HR jobs in the industry

27.08.2024, Lisa
Working in Schladming
Career opportunities in Styria? We provide inspiration!

13.08.2024, Claudia
AI in tourism
Automation in guest communication

09.07.2024, Claudia
Why you should work in the Salzburg area
The top reasons

23.04.2024, Claudia
Top regions for the summer season
Deine ideale Work-Life-Balance

09.04.2024, Claudia
How much do you earn in the kitchen?
Dein Gehaltsleitfaden

02.04.2024, Claudia
Top management skills
Was eine Führungskraft mitbringen muss

19.03.2024, Claudia
Working hours in the kitchen
Alle Infos im Überblick

04.12.2023, Max
Professional covering in service
Wie wird der Tisch richtig gedeckt?

01.11.2023, Sandra
Cheese connoisseurs: From milk to a tasty product
Die Ausbildung zum Käsekenner

24.10.2023, Claudia
Working hours in service
Alles, was du wissen musst

19.10.2023, Sandra
Guest complaints - how to react correctly!
So reagierst du richtig auf Gästebeschwerden

29.09.2023, Sandra
If you want to become a good sommelier ...
Was ein Sommelier alles wissen sollte, erfährst du jetzt!

26.09.2023, Sandra
Everything about further training in the service sector
Wie bilde ich mich weiter und wo?

16.09.2023, Sandra
Further training in gastronomy: your path to becoming a sommelier!
So wirst du zum Sommelier / zur Sommelière!

20.08.2023, Sandra
Further training in tourism: Have you learned anything today?
Du sehnst dich nach Abwechslung in deinem Job?

07.08.2023, Gabi
Salary question: How to be well prepared!
Alle Tipps zur Gehaltsfrage verraten wir dir hier!

26.07.2023, Sandra
10 tips for more tips
Tricks wie du zu einer dickeren Geldbörse kommst!

23.07.2023, Greta
Career in the kitchen
Der perfekte Karriereplan um in der Küche aufzusteigen!

12.07.2023, Nadine
First Steps: How to find your dream job ...
Koch,Kellner,Rezeptionist oder lieber Wellness-Mitarbeiter?

04.07.2023, Sandra
More money - 5 tips for your next salary negotiation
So gehst du bei der Gehaltsfrage richtig vor

14.04.2023, Nadine
Kitchen brigade - what role do you play?
Die einzelnen Posten in einer Spitzenküche.

16.03.2023, Sandra
The perfect menu!
Einen Blick in die Speisekarte