5 tips for coping with stress in everyday working life - Blog - Hogastjob

5 tips for coping with stress in everyday working life

Relaxing in high season? No way! And yet: relaxation is possible - even during a stressful working day!

Relaxed through the high season

Long working days, grumpy colleagues and tired limbs: as pleasing as the satisfied faces of the guests are - the high season is often both physically and emotionally challenging. This is precisely why it is important to make the most of free time and consciously recharge your batteries.

What should you bear in mind and how can you create little oases of well-being in your everyday working life? Here are our top five tips and tricks for relaxed working days!

#1 Rituals

The fact is: rituals give our everyday life direction and structure. And this in turn has a significant influence on our well-being. So start the day consciously and mindfully! Get in the mood for the working day with a personal ritual. And end the day with a specifically chosen action.

Morning rituals:

  • Me-time: Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in peace and quiet - alone or with your favorite colleague!
  • Journaling: Write down your most important to-dos!
  • Quiet: Sit on your bed or sofa and enjoy a moment of silence - 10 minutes is enough!

Evening rituals:

  • Shower: Wash away the stress of the day in the truest sense of the word!
  • Evening meditation or prayer: calm down and reconnect with yourself!
  • Clear your head: Take a short walk to review the events of the day!
Foto von 2 Kollegen bei einem Spaziergang

#2 Make good use of breaks

Break times are for regeneration. We often underestimate these short times to catch our breath and spend them doing things that are detrimental to our recovery. That's why it's better to leave your cell phone in the locker during your downtime and take a short walk in the fresh air!

Eat healthy and nutritious lunchtime snacks and make sure you drink enough fluids! Take breaks to recharge your batteries - for body, mind and soul. Use them wisely!

#3 Mindfulness exercises

Conscious perception - without judgment. This is how the term mindfulness could be summarized. This ability to perceive things, people and situations from a certain distance is extremely valuable for coping with stress.

It allows you to let an annoying situation with a colleague pass without getting angry about it for hours. And even unjustified criticism from guests is no longer quite so heavy on the stomach. How can you specifically train mindfulness? With specific exercises - like this one, for example:

  • Sitting still: Sounds simple - but it's not at all, especially in stressful phases of life. This exercise is about feeling your body and perceiving every area without judgment.
  • Inner documentation: This technique involves consciously recalling and analyzing recent experiences. Here, too, the aim is to leave out evaluations and judgments. Ask yourself: What remains of the anger when I look at the situation again objectively?
  • Walking meditation: The motto here is to feel your own rhythm, the tread of your feet and your breath as you walk. Concentrate completely on just observing!

#4 Exercise in the fresh air

Even if it's all too understandable to prefer to spend your day off watching Netflix series: Better lace up your sneakers and get out into the fresh air! It's not necessary to be a top athlete. It's enough to take the time to go for a leisurely walk. Why? Long walks have been proven to reduce stress and bring your thoughts back into balance. Try it out!

Foto von 2 Kolleginnen beim Spielen

#5 Meet friends

Together you are less alone. Especially when you've had a long and exhausting week at work, it helps to talk about stressful and unpleasant situations with people you trust. You often realize what's really bothering you when you talk, and the encouragement of your loved ones also helps you deal with unpleasant situations.

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