HOGASTJOB styling tips for service and gastronomy - Blog - Hogastjob

HOGASTJOB styling tips for service and gastronomy

The first impression in service and reception - particularly important

Did you know that you only have seven seconds to make a good first impression? As a receptionist or service specialist, you are the figurehead of the company and are particularly close to the guests.

By the way: First impressions also count in the application process. Do you need help with this? We have summarized the most important information on application documents and job interviews for you.

6 styling tips for receptionists and service staff

Of course, the right styling depends heavily on which hotel or restaurant you work in. We have put together the most important tips for you on how you can't go wrong in general.

Foto einer Rezeptionistin beim Telefonieren

1. Dress code in service and at reception

Clothes make the man - this saying may sound clichéd, but there is definitely a grain of truth behind it. To always make a positive impression at work, you should pay attention to the following things:

  • Fit like a glove: You should definitely make sure that your clothes fit. Because nothing is more annoying than constantly having to tug at your blouse.
  • Cleanliness is a must: Clothes should always be freshly washed and well ironed. Absolute no-go: wrinkled or stained clothes when you're working with guests.
  • Flawless: Your favorite pants are almost see-through? It's time to say goodbye. Is a button clinging to your jacket with the last of your strength? Give it a hand!

2. Hands in focus - in the catering and hotel industry

You serve the food to the guests or give them the room keys: What is the focus on? That's right - on your hands. You should therefore give them the extra care they need.

  • Prevent dry hands: They feel uncomfortable and look unattractive. It is therefore best to always have a rich hand cream to hand.
  • Well-groomed fingernails: Make sure your nails are not too long and are always clean and tidy!
  • Nail polish fan? You don't have to do without your favorite nail art. However, it's better to choose subtle colors that you apply neatly and skillfully.

3. A natural glow: Discreet make-up for reception and service

Less is more when it comes to make-up! With the right subtle make-up, you will radiate freshness and professionalism. Go for neutral colors and apply it sparingly, as this is the key to the perfect look for reception and service.

4. Bye bye bad hair days: hairstyling for service staff and receptionists

Is your hair standing on end? Grab a comb and style it - because it's much easier to work when it's well styled!

A precisely tied ponytail is stylish and keeps your hair out of your face while you work. For short hairstyles, feel free to use gel. But as is so often the case, less is more.

By the way: a beard also needs care. Regular trimming is necessary to achieve a well-groomed look.

Foto einer Rezeptionistin bei der Arbeit

5. Simple accessories: that certain something for your look

Accessories give your outfit a personal touch and express individuality - in line with the current trend. Nevertheless, you should make sure to choose discreet pieces of jewelry. This allows you to set accents without overdoing it.

6. Confident appearance as a styling secret in service and at reception

Your charisma and a professional appearance are probably the most important styling elements. We have summarized the most important tips for communicating with guests for you.

In Austria, Germany & Italy: Gastro jobs on HOGASTJOB

Would you like to gain experience in the hotel or catering industry? Then browse through the current vacancies in Austria, Germany and Italy! You can also find out about the best employers in the industry.

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